Gabriel R F
Network Engineer - SysAdmin - DevOps
My name is Gabriel. I am an Network Engineer passionate about developing new solutions to make life easier.
I've worked with large virtualized and dockerized environments. With up to five services for each of the more than 2.000 cities attended in Brazil, I maintained applications and the data center running 24/7. I've implemented both software and hardware solutions to decrease the downtime as much as possible. Also, I have worked for the leading data center builder in Latin America, gaining experience in maintaining and moving data centers
Technology is an important part of my work and also of my spare time. I enjoy developing new solutions to automate life common tasks. Usually I develop using Python and, when possible, using Docker Containers.
This website is a list of the projects I'm most proud of.
Privacy is a right granted to all people.
Receive e-mails
on your personal e-mail box (Gmail, Hotmail etc) and easily filter messages.
If the email
is getting spammed, simply block it on the bot and keep your inbox clean!
For now, in Brazilian Portuguese only
Paused on September 2023 due to changes on the tracking api.
RastreioBot is a Telegram Chatbot that tracks packages and notifies users about updates. Has reached more than 60.000 packages tracked simultaneously, sending more than 10.000 alerts daily. Since its creation, it has tracked more than 2.000.000 packages. It's free and open source.
It was created so that I could be alerted on multiple devices with the notifications synchronized, once read in one device, it would disappear on the other ones.
This bot was presented as a poster at Pycon 2018.
Can you think of an easy way to send documents to your Kindle device when you have only your mobile phone? What happens when you have only the hyperlink to the file? Send2KindleBot addresses all these issues.
This Telegram Bot is translated to 20 languages and answers the user on the correct one automatically. 100.000+ users registered and 5.000+ documents sent daily.
My friends are allowed in my place even when I'm not home. But also I don't want to be surprised with something unexpected. Video 2 Telegram helps me knowing exactly who and when people are coming in.
This docker container checks if a new file is created on a folder and sends it to a person/group/channel using Telegram Messenger.
The idea behind this project is to send me a gif every time my camera detects movement. The camera is pointed to my door, this way I can see on real time who is entering or leaving my place. Also, another unexpected benefit of using this project is to have a cloud backup of my camera for free.
Who unlocked my door? Get a text message everytime a fingerprint is read!
ControlID to Telegram is a Docker Container that sends a text message when a door is opened.
It works on a ControlID IDFlex and on Telegram Messaging app.
This was an experiment which became more useful than expected. I wanted to be able to go out of my apartment without the need to push a button.
Alohomora is a Docker Container that opens a door if movement is detected.
In other words, it watches a folder where a CFTV camera saves video files and, if a video is created, the container sends a command to open the door.
This repository is a compilation of ways to get IDs on Telegram Messaging app. IDs are very important to bot developers and it was difficult to find a website with bref and practical information about it.
One of the first things I should do everyday was to check if everything was ok on the data center. I wanted to make something better, that worked 24/7 and also kept history. Gabuino came from this need.
Gabuino act as a Zabbix Agent on an Arduino Board. Designed to gather information about the environment, like temperature, humidity, PIR and others.
This project is used on multiple data centers around the world. It's cheap and allows people to be aware on real time about their environment.
Nowadays it can run as a Zabbix Agent, on SNMP or on MQTT, making this solution basically universally accepted by softwares.
Alongside Gabuino, this solution was designed to make downtime on data centers as little as possible. Zabbix alerts are extremely important and data sensitive on some environment. So, in order to allow the data center team to act as fast as possible, I've developed a simple way to receive alerts using Telegram Messaging App.
Alerts can be sent to multiple people and/or groups, following adjustments done in Zabbix. It supports Markdown and HTML, so the message can be formatted as desired.